We finally arrived in Grand Rapids late Saturday night. We had a good stop at Golden Fuel in Springfield to iron out some kinks with the veggie oil, then spent a relaxing day in Missouri with our friends the Sanders. The next day we stopped for a few hours for lunch with Joe's grandparents in Farmer City, then made it the rest of the way to GR.
Joe will blog about the veggie oil adventures---we're definitely excited about it, but it's also been a challenge. Rowan seems to get a kick out of it--when we stopped at a particularly smelly and dirty spot in Kankakee to get oil, she put her hands on her hips and announced "we're working on vegetable oil!"
It was hard to leave Jonesboro. Walking through our empty house one last time felt surreal--will I ever go back in there? Our first house, the place we brought Rowan home to, the place that we spent hours and hours working on. It was also hard to wrap my mind around saying the last good-byes to friends. No fun.
So now we're at Joe's parent's house, unpacking and cleaning and getting some rest. Joe's dad is having an open heart by-pass surgery on Thursday, so we are thankful to be in town for that and his recovery. We'll keep you posted. I'll add some pictures once we get our computer all unpacked and fired up!
Snapshot January 2017
7 years ago
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